Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nutrition Education

Dear Readers:--The following BLOG is inspired by  Nutrition Education guidelines given by The NUTRILITE HEALTH  INSTITUTE, U.S.A.

Most often asked questions on Human Health center around our daily intake of Diet:---
Q1: Are You sure that you are taking Balanced Meals which consist of ;--Proteins/ Carbohydrates/ Fats/ Vitamins/ Minerals and water ?

Q2.: Do you  ensure daily intake of  at least 5 to 6 servings of  freshly harvested Fruits and Vegetables?

Q3:  Are You Aware that you and your family members are consuming  pesticides/ herbicides/ carbon gases /chemicals that contaminate food along with Air, Water, Vegetables and Fruits?

Q4: Do you eat fried/ fast foods that contain trans-fatty acids,such as in samosas, aloo tikki, pakoras ?
Q5: Are You Aware that almost all branded Soft drinks contain Artificial flavorings and added synthetic colors...that with excess consumption daily trigger the risk of  cancerous and infectious ailments ?

 Today's busy lifestyles among Urban population who lead a hectic pace full of meeting professional  emergencies ...leaves little room for enjoying the Balanced Meals in peace and Harmony...this also leads to eating out of tiffin boxes in odd hours, or skipping wholesome meals in exchange of tea/coffee plus snacks...

 Thus , to make up for the deficiency of  essential nutrients in daily diet, and to have balance of Optimum nutrition level...leads us towards healthier life energy ! This is How & Why Nutrition Supplements should be taken in our daily life => especially for those elderly people who are unable to take in enough nutrients after serious sickness or surgery...=> Or for those people who are fighting to counteract effects of  various viral/ bacterial infections, to boost immunity levels...= > Or for those people such as  Athletes or  doing Fitness training, to acquire Optimum health standards.

Today's Lifestyles are also full of environmental pollution, that  leads to Free Radicals which weaken the immunity , and increase ageing process etc...hence to counteract such effects in  our immune system, we should take in enough Anti-oxidants to stabilise against diseases.

 According to EUROMONITOR 2008 Results : NUTRILITE is the leading brand of vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements. Nutrilite is the only Global brand for Vitamins and minerals, growing , harvesting, and process plants on its own certified ORGANIC Farms spread over 6400 acres of land , in USA:-- What differentiates Nutrilite products from others is that they are produced from fresh farm produce keeping intact their 'Phytonutrients' :-- the naturally occuring , plant nutrients ...!!! Nutrilite employs over 100 scientists in their Research work . WHO has given approval for over 400 patent Nutrilite products.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Essence of Indian Spirituality

The rich tradition of Indian Spiritual Wisdom can show 'us' human beings :-the path out of the present world wide crisis/ phenomena : whether social, economical, or political  disintegrations ...
Sri Aurobindo : the great Maharishi/Yogi- seer poet who retired from an active political life into his ashram in Pondicherry for the realization of the highest Spiritual Truths with the yogic-discipline Sadhana of The Divine Mother...who embodies the Divine Consciousness-Force -Bliss for the realization of  Supreme Truth.....
" In the Sri Aurobindo Centre, Delhi, some Sadhaks organise The Study Circle :-they do readings and discussion of the basic ideas of Indian Thought from authentic sources, thereby giving a glimpse of the inner spiritual reality , as given by the writings & various disciplines of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo..." ( fact read in AHANA newsletter 2001year ? article  by Anil Vidyalankar )
Since The beginning of the Age of RAMAYANA and MAHABHARAT,, some great spiritual rishis and seers  such as  Brahmarshi  Sage Vashishtha and Sage Vyasa evolved , enlightened beyond the Time- Space Continuum  to manifest the Eternal Truths,reflecting, embodying , disseminating, sharing the Ancient wisdom of The Vedas...into the very core of language, thought, philosophy ( अध्यात्म) and Life- Sciences as an Integral and inseparable part of the sublime manifestations of  Satya in the forms of Rita, experienced as सत-चित - आनंद !!!*
In the words of Sri Aurobindo : " The whole universe is a manifestation of  Satya The Truth, in the forms of  Rita, the Primal Energy ....परा-शक्ति  या आद्या-शक्ति  ...!!! The Absolute manifests itself in two terms, a Being and a Becoming. The Being is a fundamental Reality; the Becoming is an effectual reality, which becomes the dynamic power and results, a creative energy and working out of the Being...."
Maharishi- Aurobindo's yogic-sadhana is also reflected in His epic -mantric -poetry SAVITRI : in which He gives to Humanity the  Symbolic -Visions of a greater Humanity aspiring for  Divine Life upon this Earth.:- one can visualise  or experience the Sun-lit Truth-Light visions- " I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers come crowding down amber stairs of birth,  I saw  them cross the twilight of an Age, The sun-eyed children of a marvellous Dawn....Their tread one day shall change the suffering s of this Earth, And justify the light on Nature's face...."*

ps : The above extracts have been inspired/  from the books bought from the SHABDA & VAK bookstore of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. This blog is an attempt to Integrate personal, subjective & objective experiences as also gathered from the workshops  attended  in The GNOSTIC CENTRE, Bijwasan.!!!*( years 1997-98)
This blog is just another - work ; to cleanse, purify & enlighten soul's intellectual  faculties so that  my family & -friends also receive Knowledge -light & grace of The Divine Mother , including even from my parents' Guru -Ashram in Rishikesh- Tehri-Garhwal, :- The Vashishtha Gufa: where Sage/ Swami Purushottamananda meditated/  did yogic-sadhana to realise Para brahma consciousness....!!!* Upto this day, meditations and yagya- havan-home are performed by parents' ashram devotees & sanyasins , who illumine, enlighten many aspiring souls on the religious & spiritual path of Self-realisations....!!!*
These words of wisdom in no way undermines my experiences of devotional bhakti & sudarshan kriya learnt in the ashram of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of  ART OF LIVING organisation ( years 1999/ 2000).